Glastonbury Abbey Retreats Program 2024-25
Glastonbury Abbey's in person only guided retreats are listed below. It should be noted that our retreat facility has bedrooms on multiple floors with no lift. Access to some bedrooms may be difficult for those with mobility issues. Please contact* the registrar if you have concerns. Click here for more information or contact the retreat office at *781-749-2155 x300 or email
A New Year Guided Retreat: Loving Our Becoming
Mon, Jan 20, 2025, 10:00 AM through Fri, Jan 24, 2025, 1:30 PM
Facilitators: Patricia Laliberte, Oblate OSB and Denise Patts, Oblate OSB
Suggested donation: $450, includes 4-nights' accommodation and meals.
Through creative methods, prayer and meditation we will explore the questions Where have I been? Where am I Going? Spend this time with scissors, paste and paper as you create a Life Map. Let the prayer time at Glastonbury help you unfold a view for your future. This 4-night retreat will include materials, meals and linens. There will be time for personal reflections and participation in the Liturgy of the Hours and daily Mass.
Resting In God: A Meditation Retreat
Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 6:00 PM through Sun, Feb 2, 2025, 1:30 PM
Facilitators: Karen Casale, Oblate OSB and Jean McDonald, Oblate OSB
Suggestion donation: $250, includes 2-nights' accommodation and meals.
This retreat will offer the opportunity to set aside the busyness amidst a noisy world and return to stillness, listening, prayer, and meditation. It will be a time of replenishment of spirit and a nourishing of both our deepest and yet highest calling. The retreat will honor and encourage wherever someone is in their faith journey. God is always with us, and may you choose to BE more than DO in this time of renewal before we step back out into the world again. Each day will include a talk by one of the retreat facilitators followed by group sharing. There will be free time in the schedule for those that may desire to attend any of the daily Benedictine prayer times with the monks, including Mass.
Simply Sacred Sunday: A Day Retreat
Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Facilitator: Dee Davidson
Suggested donation: $70 includes lunch.
A Day Retreat just for you. Beginning with a short discussion on what to expect; the activities will include Mind Body Awareness Stretch, Meditation, Journaling, Metacognitive Drawing and Restorative Yoga. Suggestions on what to bring: mat, blanket, eye pillow & journal.
This is the first in a series of four seasonal offerings. Click here to register.
Patrick Roll Caregivers Retreat
Fri, Feb 28, 2025, 3:30 PM through Sun, Mar 2, 2025, 1:30 PM
Facilitators include: Cynthia Stanton, Bereavement Coordinator for NVNA
This retreat is free for all caregivers.
We recognize that caregivers have little time for themselves and have a unique need for their own community, self-care, rest, and respite so they can continue to offer love and care for those in need. This retreat is a gift to you. Caregivers of loved ones of clients with cancer, dementia, terminal illness, or chronic conditions are invited to spend some intentional time being refilled and recharged by participating in a restorative and life-care, self-care retreat. Click here for more info.
12 Step Cosmic Smash Book Retreat
Fri, Mar 28, 2025, 6:00 pm, through Sun, Mar 30, 2025, 1:30 pm
Facilitators: Dee Davidson and Dawn Karolides
Suggested donation: $275 includes accommodation and meals.
Join Dee Davidson and Dawn Karolides on a creative approach to the 12 Steps of Recovery. On this weekend retreat they will guide women in recovery in the creation of a Cosmic Smashbook™ --a mashup of art, journaling and deep dive inquiry--to explore their 12 step journey in a whole new way. The book and art supplies will be provided, but women are encouraged to bring any collage materials, photos, mementos or ribbons, lace trim, etc that will support the personalization of their Smashbook. The weekend will include time for quiet reflection, walking the labyrinth and sacred sharing circles.
We have many more retreats available in 2025! Click here for more info.